A partial sun eclipse in KL
So cool right?
11 March 2009
Taken at Malaysia Airline
Going to Kota Kinabalu International Airport
Mount Kinabalu
So cool too........
Okay i finish Breaking Dawn
Here is the rating for all Twilight Saga
Twilight A-
Initial plot make it interesting.Vampire teen love idea took the magic nerd community by storm.
New Moon B+
Werewolf idea is quite predictable if you read Twilight.A bit boring in the middle.But it was okay.
Eclipse C+
Really nothing interesting anymore.Victoria comeback predictable.
Breaking Dawn D-
Okay ,you a bit surprise i gave so low.The initial story was very interesting.Especially the baby part.And the imprint of Jacob,not to mention Bella wish came true.What KILLED it ,was the stupid ending with the Volturi,so anti-climax. ARGG!!!!!!!! But the happy ever after was sweat la.
I know i shouldn't compare Stephenie Meyer with J.K Rowling, but just there were similarities in their books by the two author.J.K Rowling was VERY daring in the storyline,daring in the sense that she 'killed' so many important character.But Meyer just loved all her character,you know what i am talking about if you read the so called 'climax' in Breaking Dawn.I hope i dun reveal much as i hated leak too.
P.s Still waiting my telescope.Why haven't claim yet one!?!?
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